Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Why do we have nightmares?

They can make you feel extremely scared and frightened.

Characterized by vivid imagery and extreme feelings such as anxiety, fear, sadness or guilt they are powerful enough to wake you up.

In adults, about 50% report experiencing nightmares occasionally and of these, they occur more often in women than men.

There are certain factors that contribute to frightening dreams occurring in adults:

Stress and anxiety in adults is the main reason that causes bad dreams. If there are some stressful events or huge changes in your life this can definitely lead to frightening dreams.

Traumatic events such as deaths, serious injuries or being attacked can bring on a severe form called Post Traumatic Nightmares and these are more severe than regular bad dreams and are usually recurring dreams. Treatment can be sought for these forms of dreams as they are usually more disturbing and persistent in nature.

For me personally, I often have bad dreams with a re-occurring theme. I have been dealing with this for around 5 years now. The dreams become so real that I often have dreams about these bad dreams.

Do you ever dream in your sleep about trying to wake up from a bad dream? At least once a week, I have the same dream in which I am lying in bed and attempting to wake up from one of these re-occuring dreams. I will go as far as pinching my arms and holding my breath in these dreams to try to see if I am actually awake. The dream seems to exist in layers. Over and over again (often as many as 25ish times) I will try to wake myself up, walk around, even pinch myself or hold my breath to try to realize actual life again. When I finally do wake up, I am usually sweating, and my arms and chest hurt from these attempts. The weird part is that I can remember everything that I tried in order to wake myself up, so it almost feels like I have just pulled back the very bottom layer to unearth myself from these attempts.

I will have these waking up dreams right after my normal re-occuring nightmares. These nightmares are so real that I will often wake up and function for the first few hours of the day believing that the dream happened yesterday and I am experiencing my first day in post-nightmare theme mode. When I finally realize that I had been dreaming, I often experience anxiety or extreme depression.

This happens a lot. More often than I would like to admit.

I grow tired of being angry at people in my life for things my brain makes up. I grow tired of trying to throw myself out of sleep just to escape these stupid dreams. Because I mentally cannot escape sleep at night, I cannot escape the dreams. I have tried listening to positive hypnotherapy and thinking positive thoughts as I drift off.

Sometimes my husband asks me why I wake up 2, 3 or 4 hours before I have to get ready for the day. I tell him it's because I need enough time to wake up. But the truth is, the longer I sleep, the more upsetting the dreams become. Sometimes, if I wake up before my brain has a chance to finish these dreams, I can avoid the "trying to wake up" dreams.

Does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone ever experienced these types of dreams?

There is only one simple verbal quote that I was once told. I do not like the person who told me this quote, and we don't get along. I believe their only useful contribution to my entire life would be this one quote.

"We experience these dreams so we can appreciate the fact that life is not really like that for us. When we wake up, we can see that life is not really that bad, and that everything is really ok."

This quote has helped me move forward so many times. I have to keep telling myself this nearly every day after one of these dreams. It is helpful, but it is only a temporary salve until the next dream comes and stops me dead in my sleep.


Whit said...

Gen... this makes me so sad for you. I kind of just want to take care of you after reading this post. I have nightmares often too but never like this. Mine are usually because my mind gets too creative before I fall asleep and I start remembering the last scary movie I watched. But, I usually wake up and am fine from it. I wish I had some genius answer for your problem but I don't. I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry.

Melissa said...

Hi Sweetie
I just wanted to suggest to you that a lot of it has to do with something that your sub conscious is trying to work threw something your conscious mind cant yet. What helped me threw all the nightmares I had after we lost our baby was letting myself have the nightmares at night and then try to draw parallels when I was awake to dissect them piece by piece and Eventually the nightmares went away. It worked for me anyway. Im sorry that you have been struggling please let me know if I can do anything


Jenessa said...

I am so sorry Gen. Maybe a sleep study would be a beneficial place to start. I would check with your family physician to see what he/she might advise as well. Brenden went to Neurological Associates for his sleep study. They are at Timpanogos Hospital and they also have an office in American Fork. Maybe they can determine if you are having night terrors or at least what is occurring to you physically while you are having these nightmares. I hope that helps. Love you! :-)

Sheriff said...

Sad face.
I find this post interesting because I myself used to go through much the same experience. I had a recurring nightmare when I was a child, and later in life I began having the dreams you describe.

In my life, I've found only one thing help me. My subconscious deals with the things that I refuse to deal with while I'm awake. Because of this, each night if I've had something upsetting or if I am afraid for some reason, I go through all the reasons I'm feeling this way while I'm still awake. It can be very upsetting lying there in the dark visiting the darkest parts of your mind, but it's important to remember at that point that you are where you are, lying in bed, living your life, and nothing has happened. After you have gone through everything that you could be having a bad dream about, you can store it away as something your conscious mind has dealt with, and your subconscious should have no reason to bring up buried feelings.

I feel for you. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.