Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Five - Would I Rather?

Genevieve's Friday Five

This week's Friday Five comes from Whitney again! She and my brother love to ask the question "would you rather..." These made me smile.

I've had kind of a tough week, so I haven't had much desire to blog. I knew that I wanted to blog today because it's Friday and the weekend is almost here. I'll try to cheer up, Charley. :)

1. Would you rather be raised by dolphins or wolves? Why?
Definitely dolphins. Dolphins seem like they have so much more fun. They also seem happier. They can "fly" in the water, which sounds really fun. Wolves probably smell bad and also probably get mats in their fur. I don't like fur mats.

2. Would you rather be stuck for 10 hours in an elevator with 10 wet dogs or 10 gassy old men? Why?
I would prefer 10 wet dogs. Most people may assume 10 gassy old men because I like old people and would love to joke with them, but I'm not sure how long I would last in a small space like an elevator if they are gassy. 10 wet dogs would eventually dry off and they may keep me warmer if it gets cold. Also, I can lay on a dog if I need to take a nap. Not so sure I could do that with 10 gassy old men.

3. Would you rather have a thumb growing out of the middle of your forehead or an extra arm out of your stomach? Why?
I would prefer an extra arm. I believe that you could use an extra arm in your stomach more effectively than a thumb in the middle of your forehead. I could carry an extra bag of groceries, or have my third arm carry my drink if I was going downstairs to watch a show. If I was worried about the social aspect of having a third arm... it doesn't seem as "out there" as a thumb growing out of your forehead. I could probably hide an extra arm if I had to, probably with a belt or a tight shirt. You can't really hide a thumb on your forehead, unless it's removed. Can I have it removed? If I can have it removed, I would choose the thumb.

4. Would you rather be put in prison for 15 years, or have all your teeth pulled out? Why?
I would rather be in prison for 15 years. I know that if I had to choose between the two of these things it wouldn't be because I'd done something bad... so I wouldn't feel guilty going to prison for 15 years. I might just sleep through it. They may have ice in prison, and that would be pretty tough to eat ice if I didn't have any teeth.

5. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to live to 200?
Fly. Who wants to be 200? That sounds terrible. Flying would be amazing, think of all of the life experiences you could have if you could fly! An extra 100 years or the ability to fly within my current remining 75 (or so) years? Definitely flying, because of how much more I would be able to experience.

Happy Friday, everyone. I hope your week was happier than mine!


Jenessa said...

You are too cute! Very interesting questions and answers. :-)

Sheriff said...

Hehe, so much more tame than my would you rather questions . . . Though I must say I'd rather live to 200, because I'm acting on the assumption that your normal lifespan would simply be longer, not that you would live an extra 100 years in the old, falling apart state of the elderly person