Thursday, November 5, 2009

Am I allowed to cheat?

I feel awful. I almost didn't post today. What happens if I cheat on NaBloPoMo? I will feel disgusting inside. I am so tired. I have so much to tell you about in this blog. Can I please promise a huge celebratory post when I get back?

Please don't be mad... This is all I have...


Aimee said...

Hey a post is a post!! I'm not going to lie, there have been a few times where I posted a few posts one day and set the extra posts to post on future dates. And sometimes I've posted late and just changed the time stamp. LOL.

Hope you travel home safe!!!!

Derek said...

I may or my not have done exactly what Aimee said....

Ok.. I have not.. But I would if need be.